1.   The results showed non-parallel changes in enzyme synthesis and turnover with decreases in total enzyme protein and amylase synthesis and turnover but preservation of trypsin synthesis and turnover.

2.   This assumes that the plasma free amino acid pool is representative of the precursor for pancreatic enzyme synthesis.

3.   Support for this assumption was obtained from a similar study in pigs that showed that amino acids derived from the extracellular space were used directly for pancreatic enzyme synthesis.

4.   Non-parallel enzyme synthesis has been reported in rats fed protein rich or carbohydrate rich diets.

5.   Infusion of caerulein has also been reported to cause divergent changes in pancreatic enzyme synthesis under certain conditions, as has intraduodenal administration of oleic acid.

6.   This study is the first to suggest non-parallel enzyme synthesis in man.

n. + synthesis >>共 29
protein 37.78%
prostaglandin 11.11%
enzyme 7.78%
eicosanoid 4.44%
factor 3.33%
speech 3.33%
body 2.22%
collagen 2.22%
pepsinogen 2.22%
peptide 2.22%
enzyme + n. >>共 100
activity 11.37%
system 4.74%
secretion 4.74%
level 3.79%
deficiency 3.79%
inhibitor 3.32%
synthesis 3.32%
assay 3.32%
telomerase 2.37%
gene 1.90%
每页显示:    共 7