1.   The entire package is assessed to see if all the modules it contains constitute the appropriate baseline.

2.   This option enables you to read an entire package from LIFESPAN into your current VMS directory.

3.   This option enables you to read an entire package structure from LIFESPAN into any VMS directory.

4.   The entire package has informality as a key element.

5.   Altman, who does great sarcasm, gives us the entire package, blending wit, hostility and a ton of charisma.

6.   Blute said he did not support all the provisions but favored enough that common sense prompted him to support the entire package.

7.   But beginning late last year, NASCAR started terminating some TV deals early so it could take its entire package to market.

8.   But if anyone is worth the risk, it is Woods, who has the entire package.

9.   But the entire package is maddeningly inconsistent, his outing best summed up by rival starter Curt Schilling.

10.   But the real gift here is the entire package, both technically and musically.

a. + package >>共 1025
suspicious 5.33%
new 3.69%
economic 3.05%
whole 2.34%
small 2.08%
financial 2.08%
entire 2.06%
spending 1.83%
suspect 1.77%
complete 1.70%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
package 0.50%
每页显示:    共 92