1.   This is the enthalpy diagram for the combustion of ethanol.

2.   The information required to calculate the mean bond enthalpy for CH can be summarised in an enthalpy diagram.

3.   The information used in the above calculation of lattice enthalpy can be summarised in an enthalpy diagram known as the Born-Haber cycle.

4.   The datum line is omitted from the enthalpy diagram since the enthalpy of formation from elements in their standard states is not involved in the calculation.

n. + diagram >>共 58
phase 12.90%
circuit 9.68%
block 5.65%
phasor 5.65%
color 4.84%
network 4.03%
airport 3.23%
enthalpy 3.23%
entity-relationship 2.42%
profit 2.42%
enthalpy + n. >>共 4
change 82.05%
diagram 10.26%
term 5.13%
decrease 2.56%
每页显示:    共 4