1.   Each approach suggested by the commission would entail cuts in basic Social Security benefit levels promised to future retirees.

2.   Finance Director Steve Marshall said the company planned further cost reductions, which could entail job cuts.

3.   The heart of the plan reportedly entails cuts in government spending and increases of some taxes, including the price of gasoline.

4.   The new agreements were expected to entail cuts in salaries and other benefits, ALM spokeswoman Isa Henriquez said Friday.

v. + cut >>共 603
make 16.34%
miss 8.33%
suffer 3.66%
include 2.90%
announce 2.90%
take 2.58%
expect 2.35%
have 2.04%
spend 1.50%
oppose 1.36%
entail 0.06%
entail + n. >>共 242
risk 10.76%
loss 2.36%
cost 1.84%
change 1.57%
lot 1.31%
responsibility 1.31%
sacrifice 1.31%
complication 1.05%
cut 1.05%
cooperation 1.05%
每页显示:    共 4