1.   He said only that some would be laws introduced by individual countries, and others would entail cooperation between states.

2.   Unfortunately this entailed the cooperation of my hairstylist, Paul, a sort of crazy Cajun, whom I also considered a friend.

3.   The partnership entails cooperation, but is less than full membership in NATO.

4.   The partnership entails cooperation but is less than full membership in NATO.

v. + cooperation >>共 403
discuss 9.26%
increase 4.83%
promote 3.94%
strengthen 3.72%
resume 3.72%
boost 3.53%
improve 3.31%
seek 3.15%
pledge 3.12%
expand 2.35%
entail 0.09%
entail + n. >>共 242
risk 10.76%
loss 2.36%
cost 1.84%
change 1.57%
lot 1.31%
responsibility 1.31%
sacrifice 1.31%
complication 1.05%
cut 1.05%
cooperation 1.05%
每页显示:    共 4