1.   And China continued selling missiles to Iran, plus chemicals that can enrich uranium in nuclear warheads.

2.   -- Britain learned how to enrich uranium, how to make plutonium and how to design an implosion bomb through a joint U..

3.   A Western diplomat said the new information includes confirmation that Iraq was continuing research into the nuclear fuel cycle, apparently trying to enrich uranium for weapons.

4.   But the Russians say that such centrifuges could be used to enrich uranium for use in civilian reactors.

5.   Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the process of enriching uranium for use in nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.

6.   It lags these nations because they poured time and money into research on enriching uranium and reprocessing spent fuel to extract plutonium as part of their atomic weapons programs.

7.   One is that they use the oldest and most energy-intensive technology to enrich uranium, gaseous diffusion.

8.   The big catch is that all this uranium was highly enriched to make it suitable for warheads.

9.   The gaseous diffusion process that it used to enrich uranium yields a lot of residual nickel, which has a high value on the scrap-metal market.

10.   The nuclear equipment found by weapons inspectors in Iraq after the Persian Gulf war was meant for enriching uranium.

v. + uranium >>共 107
enrich 15.15%
use 11.57%
buy 7.16%
contain 6.89%
sell 4.41%
produce 3.86%
supply 2.75%
process 2.48%
mine 1.65%
carry 1.10%
enrich + n. >>共 226
life 12.57%
uranium 10.81%
soil 4.91%
culture 2.16%
community 1.77%
family 1.77%
experience 1.57%
understanding 1.18%
few 1.18%
executive 0.98%
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