1.   BIOGEN DRUG IS APPROVED Biogen received approval from the Food and Drug Administration to begin marketing Avonex, its genetically engineered drug for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

2.   Erythropoietin, a genetically engineered drug, stimulates the body to produce more red cells.

3.   FDA Clears Breast-Cancer Drug The Food and Drug Administration approved Herceptin, a genetically engineered drug developed by Genentech, for the treatment of advanced breast cancer.

4.   For two days, Kwon gave Mrs. Onoda a genetically engineered drug that stimulated her body to make red blood cells, to give some cushion against blood loss.

5.   If Herceptin is approved, it will be the first genetically engineered drug for the treatment of advanced breast cancer.

6.   If the growth factor proves its mettle in further tests and comes to market, it will be expensive, like other genetically engineered drugs, Stegmann said.

7.   Most genetically engineered drugs are proteins or peptides, which when taken in pill form cannot be adequately absorbed by the body.

8.   The drug, called marimastat, is a genetically engineered drug now being testing in human clinical trials to treat nine different kinds of cancer.

9.   The first step to patenting any idea, from mouse traps to genetically engineered drugs, is to establish that no one else has already beat you to it.

10.   The genetically engineered drug sponges up a natural substance called tumor necrosis factor that plays a pivotal role in the chronic inflammation of arthritis.

a. + drug >>共 1007
new 8.41%
illegal 5.80%
performance-enhancing 2.14%
generic 1.95%
illicit 1.51%
suspected 1.47%
major 1.39%
international 1.14%
banned 1.10%
intravenous 1.09%
engineered 0.13%
engineered + n. >>共 156
crop 12.55%
food 12.27%
corn 6.99%
product 5.14%
drug 3.14%
plant 3.00%
version 2.43%
ingredient 2.28%
vaccine 1.85%
cell 1.71%
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