1.   The component had been genetically engineered to produce a vaccine highly effective against all strains.

2.   Yes, both bacteria and animals are already being engineered to produce specific compounds which can be extracted and used for the benefit of farm animals or man.

3.   A third wave of biotech crops is on the drawing board that will be engineered to produce nutritional supplements or raw materials for industrial processes.

4.   But biotech corn, like corn genetically engineered to produce the insecticide Bt, is imported into Mexico for use in food and appears to be illegally planted.

5.   Drug Venture Using Cows Hits Snag On a farm near Madison, Wis., are cows that have been genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals in their milk.

6.   Further questions have been raised by separate reports that Russian scientists have produced strains of anthrax genetically engineered to produce new toxins.

7.   Insecticide-producing plants, also known as Bt crops, are engineered to produce a toxin from the soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, in every cell.

8.   Pothier and his colleagues have already completed a pilot study in mice engineered to produce human growth hormone.

9.   Referendums are tools engineered to produce overwhelming electoral endorsements.

10.   StarLink is engineered to produce a protein toxic to insect larvae.

v. + produce >>共 212
use 36.02%
combine 7.03%
engineer 5.23%
be 2.69%
cost 2.69%
work 2.09%
do 1.05%
develop 1.05%
merge 0.90%
interact 0.75%
engineer + v. >>共 68
produce 23.81%
be 8.84%
carry 5.44%
resist 4.76%
make 2.72%
lack 2.04%
get 2.04%
provide 2.04%
withstand 2.04%
accommodate 1.36%
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