1.   Otherwise, if the nematode is temporarily or permanently some distance from the mucosal surface, energy metabolism is probably largely anaerobic.

2.   Biologists at Massachusetts General Hospital have found that a gene that can make the worm live longer is closely related to a human gene involved in regulating energy metabolism.

3.   In addition, brain cells contain many housekeeping genes that perform the routine functions, like energy metabolism, that are common to all cells.

4.   Obese people, he said, eat to maintain the weight that puts their energy metabolism precisely on target for their height and body composition.

5.   Leptin is thought to travel in the bloodstream to the brain where it acts on the hypothalamus, an organ known to regulate eating behaviour and energy metabolism.

n. + metabolism >>共 39
protein 12.38%
glucose 9.52%
calcium 7.62%
butyrate 5.71%
sugar 4.76%
energy 4.76%
cell 4.76%
alcohol 4.76%
drug 3.81%
body 2.86%
energy + n. >>共 709
company 6.86%
price 6.67%
source 4.29%
crisis 3.58%
cost 3.53%
policy 3.42%
sector 2.49%
efficiency 2.21%
industry 2.15%
bill 2.05%
metabolism 0.06%
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