1.   Endoscopic removal should not be attempted as the risk of inadvertently puncturing a package is high.

2.   However, with very large numbers of carcinoid polyps endoscopic removal would be impractical.

3.   In one of our patients endoscopic removal of the carcinoid failed and local excision with accompanying antrectomy was performed.

4.   Vermeersch et al have reported on a case of successful percuitaneous endoscopic removal of an impacted stone in the cystic duct accompanied by cholecystitis.

a. + removal >>共 170
surgical 8.76%
asbestos 5.84%
immediate 5.62%
forced 4.72%
easy 2.92%
complete 2.47%
possible 2.47%
total 2.47%
recent 1.57%
lead 1.35%
endoscopic 0.90%
endoscopic + n. >>共 66
biopsy 8.48%
cholangiopancreatography 8.48%
treatment 8.04%
sclerotherapy 6.25%
examination 5.36%
injection 4.46%
procedure 3.57%
sphincterotomy 3.57%
surgery 3.57%
appearance 3.13%
removal 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4