1.   All endoscopic biopsy specimens and gastrectomy material were reviewed and classified according to the proposals of Isaacson etal.

2.   In the present study, the presence of gap junctions in surface mucous cells in endoscopic biopsy specimens from patients with gastric ulcer was investigated by freeze fracture methods.

3.   All endoscopic biopsy specimens and gastrectomy material were reviewed and classified according to the proposals of Isaacson et al.

4.   Endoscopic gastric antral biopsy specimens were also obtained for urease activity, culture, and histology.

5.   Eventually the correct diagnosis was made in seven patients after repeated endoscopic biopsies, open biopsy or examination or surgical specimens.

6.   In this series one patient suffered a bowel perforation as a result of an endoscopic biopsy that was done to check response to the gluten free diet.

a. + biopsy >>共 85
liver 8.88%
endoscopic 6.25%
intestinal 5.92%
gastric 5.59%
mucosal 5.26%
small 4.61%
antral 4.28%
surgical 2.96%
duodenal 2.96%
colonic 2.63%
endoscopic + n. >>共 66
biopsy 8.48%
cholangiopancreatography 8.48%
treatment 8.04%
sclerotherapy 6.25%
examination 5.36%
injection 4.46%
procedure 3.57%
sphincterotomy 3.57%
surgery 3.57%
appearance 3.13%
每页显示:    共 19