1.   A tenoning jig holds the workpiece upright, end grain on the table, as it is passsed over the blade.

2.   Breadboards, for those unfamiliar with the term, are long-grain boards run across the edges of a table to cover end grain.

3.   But a well-sharpened block plane will lift a shaving off of end grain just as nicely as it would from long grain.

4.   Certainly bowls can be turned into end grain, but it is generally much more difficult and is rarely done.

5.   Checking occurs because moisture escapes quicker from end grain than from the face or sides.

6.   End grain is not a glue surface.

7.   End grain is involved in each section of the joint, and end grain, of course, is not a viable glue surface.

8.   End grain will absorb the glue, leaving nothing to hold the joint.

9.   For a better plug that will be virtually invisible because the end grain will not show, cut a plug out of an old piece of flooring.

10.   It would, however, involve mortising into end grain, which can be difficult.

n. + grain >>共 73
end 18.23%
rice 11.05%
food 7.73%
cereal 4.42%
wheat 3.87%
year 3.31%
dust 2.76%
quality 2.21%
quartz 2.21%
seed 2.21%
end + n. >>共 301
result 36.83%
board 3.53%
grain 3.42%
date 2.18%
credit 1.66%
time 1.14%
wall 1.14%
meet 1.04%
stage 1.04%
fund 0.83%
每页显示:    共 33