1.   Thompson refused to set a projected end date for the inquiry or an opening date for any hearings.

2.   Immediately the activities and their durations are entered the Gantt bar chart and the end date are displayed.

3.   And the end date is two thousand and six, as I remember it?

4.   Er end date, should be one ninety four.

5.   And the end date wants to be in as?

6.   But we need to put an end date on that.

7.   Enter end date, thirty one twelve, automatic?

8.   Yeah, with an end date have actually been done.

9.   If you have a look at the end date, price.

n. + date >>共 533
trial 13.72%
election 6.48%
court 5.61%
expiration 5.45%
release 4.16%
execution 3.55%
launch 2.82%
birth 2.76%
delivery 2.08%
start 1.97%
end 0.55%
end + n. >>共 301
result 36.83%
board 3.53%
grain 3.42%
date 2.18%
credit 1.66%
time 1.14%
wall 1.14%
meet 1.04%
stage 1.04%
fund 0.83%
每页显示:    共 21