1.   Knapp said the first such law was enacted about two years ago by a community in Jefferson County, Kentucky.

2.   One is the Legislature, whose members are elected by the people to enact laws.

3.   Some states already have enacted laws that impose civil liability for failure to report.

4.   The government enacted laws to protect women from discriminatory employment practices.

5.   Then there are those of us who are only too happy Louisiana enacted the law.

6.   The king could not enact laws without the sanction of Parliament.

7.   The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.

8.   The law was finally enacted today.

9.   Ameritech, however, is exempt from that provision because it was already in the alarm-monitoring business before the law was enacted.

10.   Ammunition clips purchased after the law is enacted would be illegal.

v. + law >>共 518
violate 9.53%
pass 9.12%
break 6.53%
enforce 5.17%
change 4.12%
have 3.37%
enact 2.36%
practice 2.01%
use 1.65%
repeal 1.52%
enact + n. >>共 177
law 25.46%
legislation 13.83%
reform 7.98%
measure 4.27%
bill 3.65%
change 2.83%
rule 2.14%
ban 2.14%
restriction 2.07%
policy 1.76%
每页显示:    共 403