1.   It would require employers to verify that workers were legally hired.

2.   ---Set up an Internet system, being tested on a small scale, that allows employers to verify the names of new employees.

3.   Still, even simply requiring employers to verify the legal residency of potential workers has stirred concern in civil rights groups such as the National Council of La Raza.

4.   Still, requiring employers to verify the legal residency of potential workers has stirred concern with civil rights groups such as the National Council of La Raza.

5.   The Senate bill also requires the government to establish a national database so that employers can verify the status of job applicants.

6.   Under the plan, the Justice Department would establish a worker registry, using existing information, by which employers could verify whether prospective employees are legal.

n. + verify >>共 155
inspector 14.12%
official 6.78%
investigator 3.11%
expert 3.11%
authority 2.54%
company 1.98%
agency 1.98%
police 1.98%
scientist 1.98%
employer 1.69%
employer + v. >>共 669
be 10.13%
have 6.18%
pay 3.43%
say 3.05%
offer 2.93%
provide 2.14%
want 1.89%
make 1.86%
hire 1.42%
use 1.39%
verify 0.15%
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