1.   Emission limits or prohibitions on hazardous air pollutants and effluent limitations on toxic wastewater discharges have been adopted.

2.   The Presidential ruling allows plants to exceed their existing emissions limit without prior public notification.

3.   Apart from general operating conditions, it has set emission limits for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.

4.   ICI will end up with an authorisation which will include a maximum emission limit and conditions for monitoring these.

5.   Developing countries, including giants like China and India, would pledge to seek emissions limits in the future, but would not be legally bound to do so.

6.   Environmentalists say the central argument in the White House is whether to require countries to live under mandatory emissions limits or to allow them to comply voluntarily.

7.   In one post-midnight session, Wirth told other delegates that the United States would block any agreement that did not commit developing countries to negotiating emissions limits.

8.   Others believe they should be assigned specific emissions limits right away.

n. + limit >>共 450
term 27.47%
city 7.32%
debt 5.04%
age 4.17%
contribution 3.47%
campaign 1.91%
lifetime 1.74%
income 1.68%
salary 1.59%
ownership 1.48%
emission 0.46%
emission + n. >>共 106
standard 13.82%
test 9.98%
reduction 8.91%
control 7.99%
target 7.99%
cut 5.22%
credit 3.69%
level 3.53%
limit 2.46%
system 2.00%
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