1.   Dealing with production workers as well as superiors when working under the pressure of production deadlines or emergency situations can be stressful.

2.   Except for emergency situations, direct pollution controls have a fairly poor track record.

3.   He sat thinking how he was stuck with her, how there was no privacy in this house for emergency situations.

4.   Here consultancies set out to help a client who is in an emergency situation.

5.   If an emergency situation arises, the pilot and crew must stay calm.

6.   It was clearly an emergency situation.

7.   Right now we are in an emergency situation.

8.   Staff are required to complete a rigorous induction, with training in handling emergency situations.

9.   When an emergency situation arises the pilot needs all his wits about him.

10.   Paul soon found himself in an emergency situation that put all his training to the test.

a. + situation >>共 632
economic 6.33%
current 5.75%
political 4.55%
sexual 3.56%
similar 3.51%
difficult 2.39%
same 2.01%
financial 1.93%
emergency 1.73%
such 1.61%
emergency + n. >>共 510
meeting 7.79%
service 5.58%
landing 4.42%
worker 3.65%
session 2.87%
official 2.36%
aid 2.29%
surgery 2.20%
measure 2.16%
supply 1.95%
situation 1.49%
每页显示:    共 212