1.   Even as computer technology becomes more embedded in mainstream culture, it remains uncommon for a branded product to command the loyalty of the garden variety customer.

2.   Hatch also said he did not support a proposed law that would force computer and consumer electronics manufacturers to embed antipiracy technology in the equipment they manufacture.

3.   The Lost-Item Locator technology would be embedded in your car keys, wallet, cellular phone and other tiny losables.

4.   We are looking for people that can embed our technology into the plastics and print them.

v. + technology >>共 630
use 22.80%
develop 8.01%
have 2.73%
license 2.66%
sell 2.43%
provide 1.89%
adopt 1.64%
transfer 1.61%
share 1.38%
embrace 1.22%
embed 0.07%
embed + n. >>共 205
microchip 3.64%
software 2.18%
chip 1.82%
thunderstorm 1.82%
technology 1.45%
link 1.09%
nail 1.09%
image 1.09%
shard 1.09%
root 1.09%
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