1.   And they are determined to send a message to their embattled leader that they are not alone in the fight.

2.   As usual, the embattled Palestinian leader was walking a tightrope, balancing pressure from the Israelis and the Americans with the mounting grievances of his own people.

3.   But David was much less optimistic about the embattled leader, who many Filipinos had hoped would finally erase the terrible images of places like Payatas.

4.   But Gingrich and his embattled leaders are unlikely to avoid a frank discussion with their rank-and-file either Wednesday or in the near future.

5.   Embattled Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat -- whom Powell met with Sunday -- was likened to Hitler in this gathering of activists.

6.   Fleischer strongly suggested that, until Arafat does that, it would be hard for Powell to meet with the embattled Palestinian leader.

7.   Forgiveness for embattled Baptist leader Henry Lyons will have to come from somewhere other than a jury of his peers.

8.   He has dazzled congregations and conventions with uplifting oratory, but embattled Baptist leader Henry Lyons chose not to address the jury that will judge him on racketeering charges.

9.   Most of the seven committee members present said that comments from some IOC members indicated they had voted for the changes reluctantly out of loyalty to their embattled leader.

10.   The speaker said he would discuss Bosnia, Iraq and European monetary policy with embattled Conservative Party leader William Hague.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
embattled 0.06%
embattled + n. >>共 304
president 7.46%
province 5.74%
government 4.98%
leader 4.02%
capital 3.83%
region 3.35%
enclave 2.97%
coach 2.49%
country 1.53%
peacekeeper 1.53%
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