1.   A warm roof space is created, thus eliminating problems of condensation and burst pipes.

2.   By combining long and short strips of two different metals-brass and steel-in one pendulum, Harrison eliminated the problem.

3.   If so, check every document you write for several weeks to correct and ultimately eliminate this problem.

4.   The problem is virtually eliminated in commercially grown mussels, by harvesting them before they are five years old.

5.   There are several general measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the problem altogether.

6.   They avoid the expense of large cabinets and wind and vibration problems are completely eliminated.

7.   This completely eliminates the problem without wasting any card!

8.   Water cooling eliminates the problem in mainframe computers, but smaller machinery must find an alternative.

9.   The additional dwellings are not added on to eliminate the problem.

10.   The specificity of DNA mutations ensures that adenomas or carcinomas are present, thus eliminating the problem of a false positive result.

v. + problem >>共 361
have 22.63%
solve 9.06%
cause 5.52%
face 3.36%
address 2.77%
create 2.61%
pose 2.36%
fix 2.32%
resolve 2.12%
discuss 1.64%
eliminate 0.41%
eliminate + n. >>共 1635
need 6.44%
job 3.31%
weapon 3.26%
problem 1.82%
team 1.78%
program 1.38%
risk 1.29%
possibility 1.27%
barrier 1.18%
tariff 1.16%
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