1.   A basic example occurs in an electron beam - so important in television and radio.

2.   Fire a high energy electron beam at a metal target and bremsstrahlung effect produces intense X-rays.

3.   Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.

4.   An electronics industry group reported earlier this month that tests showed flash memory cards and other digital devices were harmed by the electron beams.

5.   But the current generation of chips, in general, is too complex for this technique, necessitating more precise tools, like electron beams.

6.   Converting an electron beam to X-ray images is not an efficient process.

7.   Eliza Gilligan is deeply concerned about electron beams.

8.   For coronary disease, electron beam is better, Cooper says.

9.   High-energy gamma rays, electron beams or X-rays penetrate the mail and rapidly strip electrons from molecules inside the bacteria, a process known as ionization.

10.   He was known for research that used electron microscopes, which project electron beams through thin biological specimens to form images on a fluorescent screen and on film.

n. + beam >>共 115
laser 31.38%
steel 19.01%
support 7.11%
electron 4.48%
roof 2.94%
radar 2.63%
flashlight 2.16%
aluminum 1.85%
floor 1.24%
torch 0.93%
electron + n. >>共 62
beam 25.00%
density 4.31%
machine 3.45%
analysis 2.59%
antineutrino 2.59%
accelerator 2.59%
flow 2.59%
spectroscopy 2.59%
transfer 2.59%
acceptor 1.72%
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