1.   But Democrats have denounced the efforts of the Republicans as a clumsy political attempt to embarrass the Clinton administration as the presidential election draws closer.

2.   Most of that money has been spent in the second half of the year, as the November election draws closer.

3.   Not only will he participate in Democratic National Committee events, but also in fund-raisers for individual candidates as the election draws near.

4.   Some government analysts here view the latest noises as posturing by Yeltsin as the elections draw closer and his allies continue to squabble.

5.   The candidates will make their positions more well known as the election draws nearer.

6.   Those who do object will be zapped as protectors of bureaucratic turf or, as the attorney general will charge as November elections draw near, aiders of terrorism.

7.   However, an upturn in political point-scoring as May elections draw near threatens to rupture any semblance of calm down on the farm.

8.   Tensions have risen as the elections draw nearer.

n. + draw >>共 183
tourist 8.33%
prize 4.69%
quarterback 3.91%
single 3.65%
season 3.13%
tournament 2.08%
election 2.08%
year 1.82%
double 1.82%
majority 1.82%
election + n. >>共 440
campaign 11.25%
result 8.90%
official 8.76%
year 7.25%
law 4.42%
victory 2.83%
commission 2.77%
observer 2.47%
date 1.77%
night 1.63%
draw 0.06%
每页显示:    共 8