1.   And helping an employee with elder care problems can pay off in a big way.

2.   And John Paul Marosy, a specialist on elder care issues and president of a consulting business, HM Associates in Belmont, tells a similar tale.

3.   And she is not alone in using flextime for elder care.

4.   As baby boomers move into the sandwich generation, elder care is going to be an even bigger challenge than child care for companies to deal with.

5.   As the labor force ages, the issue of elder care is becoming more visible.

6.   AstraZeneca is among only a handful of companies that actually pay for home-based elder care, according to the Families and Work Institute in New York.

7.   Bailis and Solomont say their new company already has a deal in the works to build an elder care company in Santiago, Chile.

8.   A third panel of elder care experts, put together by the Department of Health Services, is rewriting departmental rules governing care homes.

9.   Almost three-fourths of those surveyed said that elder care had affected their health.

10.   But most businesses have no formal elder care policies.

a. + care >>共 694
medical 20.57%
managed 14.35%
foster 6.06%
long-term 3.09%
patient 2.93%
great 2.17%
home 1.90%
prenatal 1.83%
emergency 1.78%
special 1.76%
elder 0.37%
elder + n. >>共 118
brother 28.12%
son 9.31%
sister 9.14%
care 6.50%
abuse 5.62%
daughter 4.92%
village 2.81%
church 1.41%
law 1.41%
child 1.23%
每页显示:    共 37