1.   The following principles are not elaborated in detail, they require considerable further discussion and study.

2.   This has been Augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.

3.   This simple story line was elaborated in the works of Hesiod, Aeschylus, Lucian, Ovid, and others.

4.   Whilst theses three elements have been elaborated upon in subsequent cases they are a convenient starting point for consideration of the case law.

5.   Although he did not elaborate in the interview, it is possible that Barak believes that Arafat has greater power than ever to prevent terrorism.

6.   Although he did not elaborate in the interview, it is possible that Barak believes that Arafat has greater ability than ever to prevent terrorism.

7.   Burnam did not elaborate in his newsletter when he described Gore as an accomplice to criminal acts.

8.   But maybe you had something more elaborate in mind.

9.   But they may clarify or elaborate in oral communications.

10.   Descriptions of its food, its olive groves, and wines are elaborated in food periodicals.

v. + in >>共 995
live 3.94%
say 2.38%
remain 2.16%
be 1.95%
kill 1.91%
work 1.82%
base 1.78%
use 1.69%
die 1.53%
stay 1.52%
elaborate 0%
elaborate + p. >>共 29
in 24.02%
about 15.64%
beyond 8.94%
as 5.59%
at 5.03%
except 5.03%
with 5.03%
than 3.91%
because_of 3.35%
for 2.79%
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