1.   And there is something about the chorizo that makes the eggs taste hearty and almost creamy.

2.   Bad eggs taste like fish or like nothing.

3.   Iran is a country where chickens run free, so eggs still taste like eggs.

4.   The eggs taste the same, but the look is different because the in-carton eggs are blended and thoroughly incorporate the whites with the yolks.

5.   This is farm country, and the eggs tasted like eggs, the bacon like bacon.

6.   I have always thought that local eggs tasted better than those imported ones.

n. + taste >>共 341
panel 5.74%
food 5.44%
dish 2.50%
wine 2.35%
people 2.21%
water 1.91%
soup 1.91%
product 1.62%
coffee 1.47%
visitor 1.32%
egg 0.88%
egg + v. >>共 202
be 29.87%
hatch 7.69%
beat 5.00%
have 3.21%
become 2.56%
come 2.05%
contain 1.54%
begin 1.41%
take 1.15%
produce 1.03%
taste 0.77%
每页显示:    共 6