1.   Emulation within Parallel Architecture A more efficient method than computer simulations for implementing neural networks is to emulate within parallel architecture.

2.   Here, we have approached this problem by using an efficient in vitro method for generating mutations at defined regions.

3.   Jim McWhir, working with Ray Ansell, devised an extremely efficient method for doing this.

4.   One efficient method of covering the roof is to combine twin wall Lexon Thermoclear sheeting with Twinfix aluminium structural glazing bar.

5.   The number of compounds is large and an efficient method must be used to store such information.

6.   The public will applaud the seeming gains in excellence achieved by more efficient methods of exclusion.

7.   The railways used to provide a cheap efficient method of travel.

8.   Thus the jeweller was free to use more efficient methods, replicating designs with a freer hand in ornament variation.

9.   We need more efficient methods of transporting goods.

a. + method >>共 1343
new 7.64%
traditional 4.32%
different 3.23%
teaching 2.60%
alternative 1.65%
accounting 1.57%
same 1.55%
best 1.54%
conventional 1.43%
cooking 1.35%
efficient 0.48%
efficient + n. >>共 583
way 9.21%
use 5.94%
service 2.89%
system 2.56%
operation 2.40%
method 1.64%
mean 1.58%
management 1.58%
production 1.47%
market 1.42%
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