1.   An educational programme was planned by outside consultants.

2.   It organises seminars and educational programmes on a wide range of current issues.

3.   Partners might feel that personal and social development should be set out clearly among the objectives of educational programmes.

4.   Physical education is highly valued and forms part of a fully integrated educational programme based on a unitary conception of man.

5.   Much of the responsibility for running our community and educational programmes has now been devolved to our business and operating sites.

6.   Initially, at managerial level, an educational programme was undertaken by outside consultants.

7.   Changes in the national provision of educational programmes for our industry.

8.   Organiser the Action North Skelton group also plans further educational programmes in DIY, local history and computers.

9.   Organisers the Action North Skelton group also plan further educational programmes in DIY, local history and computers.

a. + programme >>共 632
training 8.51%
nuclear 5.76%
new 3.05%
short 1.61%
testing 1.53%
educational 1.35%
special 1.35%
social 1.18%
political 1.09%
economic 1.00%
educational + n. >>共 648
program 7.75%
system 5.42%
institution 5.36%
opportunity 3.95%
software 2.86%
material 2.72%
reform 1.95%
standard 1.69%
background 1.47%
experience 1.27%
programme 0.68%
每页显示:    共 31