1.   We duly ate, in various forms, every conceivably edible part of the bird, including the feet, but excluding, for some reason, the feathers.

2.   But the pesticide was also found in the edible parts of vegetables like spinach, lettuce and zucchini.

3.   It was not found in the edible parts of tomatoes, corn or peppers, however.

4.   Skins can harbor disease-causing microorganisms that contaminate the edible part of the food, especially if it sits around unrefrigerated for a while.

5.   Surplus nitrogen causes plants to grow more foliage, not stems, tubers or other edible parts, and it stimulates weaker growth more prone to pests and disease.

6.   The stems, meanwhile, the only edible part, are high in minerals.

7.   Unlike with conventional broccoli, the edible part is not the stalk, but only the tender side shoots.

8.   Artistically arranged edible parts are wolfed down after a ceremony by hungry worshipers.

9.   Preparation of the edible parts of the fish requires special skill.

10.   Refugees told The Associated Press that because they had no rice, they had taken to eating edible parts of bamboo trees and wild fruit.

a. + part >>共 821
large 7.16%
important 3.31%
spare 3.11%
integral 2.62%
big 2.60%
different 2.56%
small 2.37%
northern 2.32%
first 2.06%
southern 1.85%
edible 0.04%
edible + n. >>共 142
oil 14.64%
flower 9.67%
plant 6.91%
mushroom 5.52%
part 3.04%
vaccine 1.66%
species 1.66%
root 1.66%
one 1.38%
variety 1.38%
每页显示:    共 11