81.   And he has won praise from people here and abroad for his energetic handling of the economic crisis.

82.   And Mexico has yet to fully recover from the economic crisis its devaluation unleashed.

83.   And Colombia has earned a reputation through decades of successive Latin American economic crises as a nation that eschews radical swings in policy.

84.   And that is at a time of sour news, as the Asian economic crisis beats down its semiconductor exports from China.

85.   And there is the Asian economic crisis, which may keep demand for oil down.

86.   Anti-black violence had been simmering for months, fired by an economic crisis.

87.   Applicants from nations like South Korea and Thailand, which have also undergone economic crises, have reported increasing problems too in obtaining visas.

88.   Are plunging stock prices a harbinger of economic crisis?

89.   As a result, the federation faces its worst economic crisis ever and is now selling assets and laying off employees.

90.   As Clinton met privately with more than half the APEC leaders before the opening session, he sounded cautious on the Asian economic crisis.

a. + crisis >>共 401
economic 20.56%
financial 13.83%
asian 8.14%
political 6.37%
current 5.25%
monetary 1.65%
regional 1.62%
latest 1.50%
humanitarian 1.27%
constitutional 1.17%
economic + n. >>共 585
growth 11.08%
crisis 4.39%
reform 4.16%
sanction 2.88%
development 2.81%
recovery 2.63%
slowdown 2.47%
policy 2.43%
problem 1.99%
cooperation 1.79%
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