1.   After the fish have spawned, remove the adults to prevent them from turning cannibal and eating the eggs.

2.   Also, they can all help you make and eat scrambled egg for tea.

3.   For example, there is the hard-boiled egg diet where four to six eggs are eaten each day.

4.   She eats the eggs laid by her daughter, whose sole job is to raise her own young sisters.

5.   The government issued a warning about eating raw eggs.

6.   They also eat the eggs of birds and other reptiles.

7.   Today you are allowed to eat an egg for breakfast if you wish.

8.   If I eat eggs, I come out in a rash.

9.   They ate boiled eggs for breakfast.

10.   And eating the eggs raw would not guarantee the dose received.

v. + egg >>共 413
lay 7.86%
lie 7.22%
add 6.98%
beat 4.56%
fertilize 3.27%
throw 3.27%
whisk 2.14%
eat 1.94%
use 1.94%
produce 1.81%
eat + n. >>共 1111
food 7.80%
lunch 5.12%
meat 4.04%
fish 2.98%
meal 2.93%
dinner 2.74%
breakfast 2.43%
lot 1.73%
beef 1.65%
sandwich 1.26%
egg 0.70%
每页显示:    共 48