1.   In the Wakayama case, four people died and dozens more were ill after eating curry containing arsenic and possibly cyanide that was served at a local festival.

2.   Most people have no problem eating foods containing sulfites, but some have a sensitivity to them.

3.   In July, four people died and dozens fell ill after eating curry containing arsenic served at a community festival in Wakayama, western Japan.

4.   In their homeland, Somalis walk and ride bicycles, have far fewer labor-saving appliances and eat food containing little fat.

v. + contain >>共 97
work 7.73%
use 6.36%
battle 5.00%
be 3.18%
build 2.73%
do 2.73%
receive 2.27%
fight 2.27%
destroy 2.27%
act 2.27%
eat 1.82%
eat + v. >>共 78
make 7.96%
be 7.08%
live 5.31%
contain 3.54%
have 2.65%
protest 2.65%
buy 1.77%
get 1.77%
bring 1.77%
give 1.77%
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