1.   Our modern Western world is consequently run by captains of industry, commerce and business who have an underlying Eastern philosophy.

2.   The Eastern philosophies and religions have little to offer in improving the lot of mankind.

3.   And a sustained liberalization of the curriculum has resulted in new courses in film history, Eastern philosophy and art history.

4.   As I was growing up, his Eastern philosophy seemed like hogwash to me.

5.   A student of Eastern philosophy, he believed in unity of the soul, body and the world around him.

6.   Falun Gong combines slow motion exercises and meditation with an idiosyncratic blend of Eastern philosophies, which members say promote physical and emotional health.

7.   Humanist theories of moral relativism abounded, and eastern pantheistic philosophies were all the rage.

8.   How does Chopra explain his melding of quantum physics, Hindu text and other Eastern philosophies, the Bible and Western medicine?

9.   Ironically, the Eastern philosophy began with the land, specifically as a means for positioning homes.

10.   It has witnessed book trends from home improvement to self-improvement, from Eastern philosophy to neurolinguistic programming.

a. + philosophy >>共 464
political 9.62%
different 4.25%
same 3.99%
new 3.80%
conservative 2.29%
similar 2.29%
offensive 2.03%
eastern 1.77%
coaching 1.77%
basic 1.51%
eastern + n. >>共 708
state 7.25%
enclave 5.94%
province 5.76%
part 5.74%
region 4.01%
sector 3.60%
half 3.13%
city 2.84%
border 2.41%
country 2.37%
philosophy 0.39%
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