1.   Foster pushes open the door of his barn and is enveloped by the earthy smell of raw milk and warm cows.

2.   I loved their warm earthy smell and their cool touch.

3.   There was no fresh earthy smell.

4.   The dust exuded an earthy smell that tickled the nostrils.

a. + smell >>共 305
sweet 7.54%
acrid 6.45%
strong 5.99%
foul 4.54%
pungent 3.91%
bad 3.09%
faint 2.63%
musty 2.54%
unpleasant 1.91%
familiar 1.54%
earthy 0.36%
earthy + n. >>共 150
flavor 8.33%
aroma 4.39%
tone 3.95%
humor 3.51%
smell 1.75%
enterprise 1.32%
character 1.32%
mushroom 1.32%
realism 1.32%
sense 1.32%
每页显示:    共 4