1.   Dear Anne Collins, ten years younger than me, taught early Renaissance painting and was just about my only real friend there.

2.   Here there are some fine early sacred paintings.

3.   And what a lot there is to look at, starting with early paintings that startle.

4.   A gorgeous show of early paintings on paper can be savored at Peter Blum Gallery in SoHo.

5.   Burgundian carvings, illuminated manuscripts and one of the greatest of all early Netherlandish paintings are among the treasures.

6.   Frankly, the early paintings stink.

7.   He repeated images from his early paintings and prints.

8.   Here, the countryside is like some early American painting, complete with a silo, a dirt road leading to a farmhouse, cattle grazing in the pastures.

9.   Her early paintings, executed in an Expressionistic cartoon style, confronted issues of sexual and painterly decorum.

10.   His early paintings were of realistic scenes.

a. + painting >>共 609
abstract 4.45%
impressionist 2.52%
chinese 1.98%
american 1.98%
large 1.98%
original 1.93%
early 1.66%
modern 1.55%
the 1.55%
small 1.55%
early + n. >>共 894
morning 5.15%
election 4.21%
stage 3.92%
day 3.67%
year 2.98%
afternoon 2.18%
hour 2.14%
retirement 2.12%
age 1.79%
gain 1.54%
painting 0.09%
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