1.   Although the book was anonymous in the early editions, the secret was soon out.

2.   Go for the early editions and be ready to act immediately.

3.   Though Scott was not particularly interested in early editions he nevertheless owned several.

4.   Martin was reading the early edition of the Evening News.

5.   I was munching a meat pie and reading an early edition of the Standard when I saw them and then only because I happened to glance in the mirror.

6.   Early editions of the Dundee Evening Telegraph newspaper last night carried an advertisement for semi-skilled and skilled personnel.

7.   An early edition of the Rolling Stone Record Guide said that for the offbeat comedy group Firesign Theatre, changing TV channels was the fundamental aesthetic.

8.   And indeed, early editions of the game targeted them, deploying questions about Kent State, Dick Clark, and Rob and Laura Petrie.

9.   A placeholder story will be filed for early editions and updated with results.

a. + edition >>共 282
new 9.55%
special 7.78%
latest 6.92%
early 3.49%
second 3.43%
online 2.57%
paperback 2.29%
next 2.12%
recent 1.94%
evening 1.89%
early + n. >>共 894
morning 5.15%
election 4.21%
stage 3.92%
day 3.67%
year 2.98%
afternoon 2.18%
hour 2.14%
retirement 2.12%
age 1.79%
gain 1.54%
edition 0.17%
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