1.   American and Colombian officials say, for instance, that earlier estimates of coca production in Colombia were too conservative.

2.   Both companies, while in the middle of a fierce price battle, last week said sales of their leading computer chips were doing better than earlier estimates.

3.   Bre-X Minerals Ltd. said an independent test showed only trace amounts of gold at its Busang deposit and that earlier estimates were based on falsified samples.

4.   Each year statisticians pour through the latest numbers and update earlier estimates.

5.   Fiel also revised its earlier estimates of July output.

6.   Half of all elders in Massachusetts and New Hampshire lack any insurance coverage for prescription drugs, a new survey has found, magnifying the problem beyond earlier estimates.

7.   It also helps explain why AMD recently notified investors that revenues and unit sales will exceed its earlier estimates for the fourth quarter.

8.   Moreover, the actual budget surplus is already likely to be lower than earlier estimates because economic growth and employment have slowed.

9.   Previously there had been concern that the harvests would fall short of earlier estimates.

10.   That figure is similar to earlier estimates.

a. + estimate >>共 348
official 5.97%
average 4.77%
new 3.97%
preliminary 3.07%
initial 2.94%
conservative 2.81%
previous 2.76%
first 2.76%
earlier 2.76%
immediate 2.27%
earlier + n. >>共 973
report 6.23%
version 2.44%
study 2.07%
statement 1.71%
year 1.55%
gain 1.48%
decision 1.47%
loss 1.28%
attempt 1.15%
time 1.05%
estimate 0.45%
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