1.   A marginalised position on the school timetable with dwindling numbers of pupils and the possible threat of enforced merger with other subjects will not provide that.

2.   Alliant is competing for a dwindling number of defense contracts against rivals with far more resources.

3.   Already three warehouses have closed in northeastern North Carolina, leaving his to serve the dwindling number of farmers.

4.   And mergers in the cable industry are reducing the field to a dwindling number of big players.

5.   As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Lieberman has pressed to protect the dwindling number of military installations in Connecticut.

6.   As McGwire redefines power, opponents search for a dwindling number of answers.

7.   At the same time, the dwindling number of grower cooperatives and food processors, and mergers among food wholesalers and retailers have led to more centralized buying.

8.   Beat cops say the overtime work -- combined with a dwindling number of officers on the street -- is increasing fatigue and frustration and sapping morale.

9.   Both candidate are expected to spend the bulk of their time in a dwindling number of toss-up states.

10.   A Democratic leadership aide said the dissidents are unlikely to suffer retaliation, in part because the party cannot afford to alienate its dwindling number of Southern lawmakers.

a. + number >>共 430
large 15.21%
growing 8.43%
small 5.19%
increasing 4.65%
record 2.28%
limited 2.08%
total 1.89%
exact 1.89%
unknown 1.88%
unspecified 1.77%
dwindling 0.37%
dwindling + n. >>共 266
number 11.68%
supply 7.48%
stock 3.69%
band 2.46%
reserve 2.36%
support 1.84%
profit 1.64%
minority 1.54%
population 1.43%
resource 1.43%
每页显示:    共 113