1.   The drug can induce anything from stomach cramps to comas.

2.   The drug induces hallucinations at high doses.

3.   But particular abnormalities in biochemistry have been linked to schizophrenia since it was first discovered that hallucinatory drugs could induce a psychosis.

4.   In vaginal deliveries after Caesarean, the risk of uterine rupture is significant only among women whose labor is induced by drugs that cause intense contractions, Wagner said.

5.   Still, all these drugs would induce tolerance only if the immune system somehow re-educated itself not to attack these same targets again.

6.   The drug induces a sort of intoxication during which patients often feel less inhibited while talking.

7.   The drug can also induce nausea, vomiting, rashes and breathing difficulties.

8.   This drug induces uterine contractions to expel the embryo.

9.   With a similar wink, Glaxo named its brand of cicatracurium Nimbex, unfathomable unless you know that the drug induces neuromuscular blockade.

n. + induce >>共 243
doctor 3.37%
drug 3.37%
tumor 2.15%
indomethacin 1.53%
company 1.23%
mechanism 1.23%
radiation 1.23%
rate 1.23%
researcher 1.23%
diet 0.92%
drug + v. >>共 520
be 31.69%
have 4.61%
work 3.45%
traffic 2.96%
help 2.64%
cause 2.60%
become 1.66%
come 1.48%
reduce 1.38%
make 1.14%
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