1.   Drizzle both plates with reserved raspberry puree, and garnish with finely diced mangoes.

2.   Drizzle each plate with sweet-and-sour sauce, and garnish with a sprinkling of chives or tatsoi shoots.

3.   Drizzle plate with both Black Vinegar Reduction and Wasabi Vinaigrette.

4.   Drizzle plate with some of Chocolate and Raspberry Sauces and add a small scoop of sorbet.

5.   Drizzle each plate with chocolate sauce, if desired.

6.   Drizzle plate with chocolate sauce and dust cake with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

v. + plate >>共 347
serve 9.33%
cross 5.18%
have 3.06%
use 2.67%
clean 2.35%
block 2.12%
place 1.96%
put 1.88%
remove 1.88%
fill 1.80%
drizzle 0.47%
drizzle + n. >>共 81
sauce 11.28%
oil 8.21%
juice 4.62%
honey 4.10%
vinaigrette 4.10%
plate 3.08%
glaze 3.08%
mixture 3.08%
top 3.08%
drop 2.05%
每页显示:    共 6