1.   Drizzle honey over the halves and place a teaspoon of butter in each one.

2.   Drizzle dark honey over a soft cheese like gorgonzola and serve with sliced fruit, crackers or fresh bread.

3.   Drizzle honey on top of exposed fruitcake.

4.   Drizzle the honey over the tops.

5.   Drizzle honey on top.

6.   To garnish, drizzle additional honey over pie in a zigzag pattern.

7.   To make it even simpler, drizzle the honey on top of the ice cream, or add it to the pan when you cook the figs.

8.   When the dessert arrives at the table, the waiter drizzles a little honey on top.

v. + honey >>共 76
add 11.69%
use 7.79%
drizzle 5.19%
sell 4.55%
produce 4.55%
make 3.25%
collect 3.25%
eat 2.60%
contain 1.95%
warm 1.95%
drizzle + n. >>共 81
sauce 11.28%
oil 8.21%
juice 4.62%
honey 4.10%
vinaigrette 4.10%
plate 3.08%
glaze 3.08%
mixture 3.08%
top 3.08%
drop 2.05%
每页显示:    共 8