1.   Furthermore, House and Senate leaders have drawn up legislation to prevent any U.S. court or government official from cooperating with the tribunal.

2.   The veteran lawmaker, a long-time advocate of tighter immigration controls, also raised doubts about whether the hastily drawn up border security bill would have the promised effects.

3.   There was little chance of any agreement on a wider plan drawn up EU Fisheries Commissioner Emma Bonino to downscale the fishing industry across the EU.

4.   The United States wants to do it by an informal accord, while Russia wants a properly drawn up treaty.

5.   Washington, which practically summoned Netanyahu for talks with Clinton, says it has not yet drawn up firm plans on how to rescue the peace process.

6.   The international border is considered that drawn up when Palestine was under British mandate and Syria under the French after World War I.

a. + up >>共 643
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stepped 4.14%
right 4.08%
given 3.94%
clean 2.78%
high 2.52%
straight 2.49%
holed 2.35%
higher 2.35%
light 2.05%
drawn 0.20%
drawn + p. >>共 16
to 49.02%
out 24.18%
by 6.54%
up 3.92%
from 3.27%
in 3.27%
into 1.96%
toward 1.96%
on 1.31%
about 0.65%
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