1.   One solution to this problem of where to draw the boundaries between classes derives from recent neo-Marxist theories.

2.   State boundaries are haphazardly drawn across land masses and linguistic, cultural and ethnic lines.

3.   The result was to draw the boundaries of certain knowledge much more narrowly than before.

4.   However, Nove points out that wherever one draws a boundary to distinguish those with power from those without, those within the ruling stratum operate bureaucratically.

5.   How can I draw boundaries round, or limit the scope of my chosen field?

6.   In short, drawing a boundary between sociolinguistic and pragmatic phenomena is likely to be an exceedingly difficult enterprise.

7.   They are also responsible for the fact that the boundaries were drawn up, not by the independent boundary commission, but by the new European parliamentary constituencies committee.

8.   An artificial boundary has been drawn down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

v. + boundary >>共 242
draw 7.24%
cross 6.98%
push 5.41%
hit 5.32%
set 3.75%
know 3.49%
redraw 3.23%
mark 3.14%
transcend 2.79%
define 2.53%
draw + n. >>共 656
attention 9.56%
criticism 6.16%
line 4.85%
crowd 2.60%
fire 2.51%
conclusion 2.38%
support 2.07%
people 1.43%
walk 1.32%
plan 1.28%
boundary 0.41%
每页显示:    共 82