1.   Among the more dramatic decreases were those of the wren, whitethroat, robin and blackcap, blackbird and song thrush.

2.   Among them are a higher number of people with transmittable diseases like AIDS, a dramatic decrease in violent crime and rise in emergency room technology and success rates.

3.   Better medications in recent years have resulted in a dramatic decrease in the transmission of HIV to fetuses.

4.   Dramatic decreases in crime have made many New Yorkers feel safer of late.

5.   Hospital admissions of children for respiratory problems showed a dramatic decrease that year, and then shot back up to previous levels the following year.

6.   Instead, Murray has been baffled by his dramatic decrease in minutes.

7.   The decision has resulted in dramatic decreases in lead exposure for all Americans, particularly children.

8.   The dramatic decrease in scoring in recent years actually has increased the pressure on goalies.

9.   The most dramatic decreases are found in countries below investment grades.

10.   The researchers found a dramatic decrease in mutation rates along the evolutionary line leading to humans.

a. + decrease >>共 139
significant 7.23%
sharp 6.99%
slight 5.83%
dramatic 5.36%
marked 5.13%
largest 3.73%
further 3.26%
gradual 3.26%
first 2.80%
substantial 1.63%
dramatic + n. >>共 1363
change 6.28%
increase 3.01%
effect 2.67%
improvement 1.78%
moment 1.47%
fashion 1.36%
shift 1.31%
turnaround 1.28%
drop 1.25%
impact 1.22%
decrease 0.34%
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