1.   As soon as it melts, combine it with the drained macaroni and pour it into a baking pan.

2.   Add drained macaroni to saucepan and toss with cheese sauce.

3.   Grease a casserole dish and into it dump the veggies and the drained macaroni.

4.   Put the drained macaroni into the casserole.

5.   Stir the drained macaroni into the cheese sauce and serve.

a. + macaroni >>共 28
cooked 12.50%
drained 12.50%
boxed 7.50%
dancing 5.00%
remaining 5.00%
age-defying 2.50%
american 2.50%
artistic 2.50%
baked 2.50%
blue 2.50%
drained + n. >>共 74
pasta 9.52%
bean 6.12%
lake 5.44%
pineapple 4.08%
yogurt 4.08%
macaroni 3.40%
spaghetti 2.72%
tomato 2.72%
cucumber 2.04%
area 2.04%
每页显示:    共 5