1.   Lengthening sales cycles, project deferrals and their negative impact on utilisation rates could see downward pressure on Margins.

2.   The downward pressure on my chest became more intense.

3.   This will result in downward pressure on prices as domestic firms face foreign competition.

4.   These include not only downward pressure on wages, but also on employment conditions.

5.   Faced with loss of market shares and firm relocation, there will be downward pressure upon social conditions.

6.   Differences in wage costs are seen as inducing shifts in employment towards low-cost regions, creating a competitive downward pressure upon all wage levels in the Community.

7.   To avoid downward pressure upon these conditions a number of issues must be addressed including the form of employment contracts and the organisation of working hours.

8.   If this is not accommodated by capital inflows there will be downward pressure on income levels and subsequently increased unemployment.

a. + pressure >>共 411
high 13.40%
low 6.99%
international 5.66%
inflationary 4.19%
political 4.13%
intense 3.92%
increasing 3.02%
strong 2.60%
heavy 2.15%
public 2.07%
downward 1.50%
downward + n. >>共 143
pressure 21.67%
spiral 21.05%
trend 18.33%
revision 8.15%
slide 3.55%
correction 2.02%
turn 1.46%
movement 1.05%
path 1.05%
header 0.98%
每页显示:    共 309