1.   Even a brief spring downpour floods a few of the neighborhood streets.

2.   Downpours flooded the Royal Mougins layout and play was started only in the late afternoon.

3.   Downpours flooded roads and snow buried mountain passes Tuesday as the most powerful storm of the season hit Southern California.

4.   Parts of Saudi Arabia in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula have been flooded by downpours.

5.   The heavy downpours also flooded rush hour roadways and forced businesses to close early.

6.   A heavy monsoon downpour flooded large portions of the broad roadway, slowing traffic to a crawl and making work for three traffic policemen on duty in the area.

n. + flood >>共 440
rain 8.20%
water 5.56%
river 3.20%
light 1.89%
thousand 1.79%
fan 1.79%
refugee 1.51%
people 1.41%
import 1.41%
storm 1.04%
downpour 0.57%
downpour + v. >>共 112
be 10.77%
cause 5.38%
force 4.23%
begin 3.85%
soak 3.85%
continue 3.46%
flood 2.31%
produce 2.31%
drench 2.31%
come 2.31%
每页显示:    共 6