1.   He was travelling early on Sunday from his native Bihac to the Croatian capital of Zagreb when the helicopter was downed about a mile from the Bosnian border.

2.   Pakistan claims to have shot down the fighter jets and the United Jehad Council claims responsibility for downing the helicopter.

3.   A military helicopter was downed Wednesday not far from Slptsova, and witnesses said its pilot was captured.

4.   Christopher said North Korean officials had replied that the helicopter was downed in a remote area with poor transportation.

5.   Croatian Serb forces said they fired the missile that downed the helicopter.

6.   Croatian Serb forces said they downed the helicopter, the Croatian Serb news agency ISKRA reported.

7.   Croatian Serb forces said they fired the missile that downed the helicopter, the Croatian Serb news agency ISKRA reported.

8.   Croatian Serbs downed the helicopter, the Croatian Serb news agency ISKRA reported.

9.   Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Alberto Molina said that two Peruvians were captured when the second helicopter was downed.

10.   He did not elaborate, but some reports suggested the helicopter was either downed by Chechen rebels or during the mishandling of weapons onboard.

v. + helicopter >>共 299
use 17.03%
send 5.54%
fly 4.25%
shoot 3.95%
board 3.05%
dispatch 2.35%
see 2.25%
take 1.95%
hit 1.95%
prevent 1.75%
down 1.20%
down + n. >>共 226
plane 11.64%
line 7.50%
tool 6.22%
helicopter 3.83%
road 3.35%
shutter 2.87%
tree 2.87%
aircraft 2.71%
jet 2.07%
beer 2.07%
每页显示:    共 24