1.   With the coming of spring the hills will once again don their robes of green.

2.   At one point, a large, shadowy woman donning a robe across the way looks up.

3.   Four had been there for several months, he said, and usually wore street clothes and sunglasses, although on occasion they would don robes.

4.   Guests don robes for dinner, which is served on a terrace.

5.   Scoggins, now changed into her second little nothing, dons a robe and takes a chair to spread some family news.

6.   Black Panther Party leader Bobby Seale was chained and gagged during the trial, while other defendants donned judicial robes to mock the court.

7.   There he donned purple robes for a Mass, during which cardinals, bishops, monks and lay people knelt before the pope to receive the ashes.

8.   The wallet-snatcher sneaked into the cathedral sacristy, where Bishop Antonio Rafael had left his jacket Sunday to don his robes for mass.

9.   There were suspicions that people outside the monkhood have been donning robes and provoking the unrest.

10.   King Bhumibol, also known as King Rama IX, donned golden robes and mounted the throne early in the day after honoring his ancestors.

v. + robe >>共 59
wear 42.05%
don 6.25%
flow 6.25%
flowing 4.55%
drop 1.70%
provide 1.70%
shed 1.70%
adjust 1.14%
discard 1.14%
buy 1.14%
don + n. >>共 200
mask 5.65%
uniform 4.42%
glove 3.89%
suit 3.18%
costume 3.18%
spacesuit 3.00%
gear 2.30%
hat 2.12%
helmet 1.94%
robe 1.94%
每页显示:    共 11