1.   Modern legislatures may be dominated by executives, but this does not mean that executives are subservient to career public officials.

2.   Since taking office in May, Chen has tried to reach out to the Nationalists, who still dominate the legislature.

3.   The state legislature is dominated by Republicans and seemed likely to stay that way.

4.   Under Suharto, the legislature had been dominated by the governing Golkar Party, serving mainly as a rubber stamp.

5.   Passage is expected since the governing left dominates the legislature.

6.   ANC members, who dominate the legislature, groaned and shouted protests while Inkatha legislators applauded Buthelezi.

7.   But his ruling party has insisted it will continue to dominate the legislature.

8.   The bill now goes to the Senate before returning to the Assembly for final approval, but passage is expected since the governing left dominates the legislature.

9.   The motion was proposed by the Agrarian faction, one of several hardline communist and nationalist groups that together dominate the legislature.

10.   The party that won the most votes won the most seats in Parliament and became the government, able to dominate the legislature and pass laws with little restraint.

v. + legislature >>共 172
dissolve 9.36%
disband 7.41%
elect 7.41%
control 6.24%
lobby 2.34%
dominate 2.34%
replace 2.14%
address 1.95%
suspend 1.95%
have 1.56%
dominate + n. >>共 925
market 6.71%
game 4.14%
politics 2.75%
play 1.78%
match 1.77%
talk 1.77%
discussion 1.66%
life 1.60%
news 1.51%
industry 1.38%
legislature 0.20%
每页显示:    共 12