1.   - Recognize that swearing does damage.

2.   Some congenital heart problems also increase the risk, as does valve damage resulting from rheumatic fever.

3.   The injury does double damage, to the group and to the individual.

4.   UN officials have said Serb authorities sometimes justify restrictions on convoy movement on grounds that heavy truck traffic in winter does road damage.

n. + damage >>共 464
property 10.94%
nerve 6.05%
ligament 5.75%
water 3.93%
flood 3.90%
kidney 2.94%
crop 2.91%
heart 2.74%
storm 2.71%
fire 2.61%
doe 0.13%
doe + n. >>共 218
eye 3.11%
business 2.42%
official 2.42%
work 2.08%
matter 1.73%
give 1.38%
damage 1.38%
thing 1.38%
justice 1.04%
day 1.04%
每页显示:    共 4